Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Journey to Salvation

Journey to Salvation

Even to this day I can vividly remember the pain of separation when I was sent to my room (for what seemed like an eternity for a small child), for disobeying my parents. I knew what I had done was wrong. I said I was sorry! So why did I have to be sent away from their presence, their love and comfort? It was during this time I learned an important lesson. Disobedience has a serious price- the lost of fellowship with the ones who love you.

As a child I could understand that I never wanted to be separated from the love of my parents, and more importantly I didn’t want to be separated from God’s love and fellowship. But when I disobeyed my parents, I also disobeyed God. God gave me my parents to tell me about God and His rules/commands. They helped me understand that God loves me unconditionally, but when I disobey Him I experience separation from Him (much like being sent to my room). Because God is love (1John 4:8) and He wants me to have eternal fellowship with Him, He gave His only Son to take my punishment for my sins. All I had to do is accept God’s free gift of salvation by believing in Jesus as my Savior.

In this week’s lesson the Journey to Salvation, your child will discover that we need to obey the laws of God in order to have a life that pleases Him and keeps us safe. Your child will learn that “All who trust in Jesus will have eternal life.” John 3:36.

In our Bible story, Moses trusted and obeyed God. He knew God loved Him and protected Him. He didn’t want to be separated from God, so he built a tent where God’s presence would come in the form of a pillar of clouds and where he could fellowship with God.
Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we do not need a tent to fellowship with God, all we have to do is believe in Jesus and ask Him to come into our heart! In this lesson, your child will discover that with "God in my heart, I know He will stay, so now I will always try to obey"!

Carolyn Hillegeist
Early Childhood Coordinator
The Cove Church

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