Thursday, January 6, 2011

Seek the Finish Line

"Let us keep running the race marked out for us!" -Hebrews 12:1

We're heading into the second weekend of 2011 with "Determination!" Interesting how we're following the story of the Israelites again—just with a different outlook. Man how I want to be more determined than the Israelites! They were stuck in the desert wandering for 40 years!!! You'd think after year number two they'd get the point? The cool thing is that God never quit on them, He never gave up them, and He finished what He started with them! God used a few strong leaders to bring the nation of Israel to their destiny—The Promise Land. It took some determination, and refocusing their hearts back on the One who set them free!

I've realized that when we're walking on our own through life, seeking to please ourselves, we begin to wander. It's no wonder we wander, our purpose is found only in seeking our Creator. Matthew 6:33 says "But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything else will be added to you." God's purpose in creating us is to know Him—to know His love, and to share it! Let us move forward, with determination, in seeking Him! Don't give up! God never quits on us! He never gives up! And He is determined to finish the good work that He's started in us! Eyes fixed on Christ, we will run this race to the full, till the day we see Him face-to-face. Heaven our Promise Land, our Finish Line.

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