Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What is Happiness? Preview of CKC Lesson # 5 for Preschool Children

"To the person who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness,.." Ecc.2:26

Do you remember a time when you were a child that you dreamed of getting something that would make you happy? I remember telling my parents that "if I only had a Betsy Wetsy Doll" I would be so happy. Then my birthday came and I got my dream doll! Well, I was so happy, until I learned that it leaked all over my new dress and then later it stopped wetting altogether! I learned "happiness" was very short lived and dependent on the circumstances and my emotions. Throughout my life experiences I learned "my efforts to find happiness apart from God were meaningless" just as Solomon the wisest man discovered. But when we place our faith and trust in God we will find everlasting happiness.

In this weekend's Bible lesson your child will learn that David was happy in good times and bad times, because he knew God loved him. David's life reflected his love of God, his faith and trust in a God who would never leave nor forsake him. God blessed David with His power to accomplish much in good times and in trials. The Bible story in found in 2 Samuel 5:1-4 & 7:8-9 and Psalms 57:7-10. Throughout the Psalms David proclaimed God’s faithfulness and God’s blessings.

Your child will discover through crafts, games, and the Bible story that as children of God we can be happy no matter what our circumstances or emotions, because we know we have a God who loves us. Your child will learn that God so loved us that He sent His son, Jesus, to take our punishment for our sins. We are saved and blessed because of God's mercy and His love for us. The key verse your child will learn is "I Will Be Happy Because God Loves Me".

You can help your children to realize how "blessed with happiness" they are by asking them to share with you all the blessings God has given them ( wonderful parents to take care of them, a home, food, great outdoors, fun things to do with friends, a great church to learn about God, etc.) You also can share with your child some of the blessings God has given you!

Help them remember a bad time like an injury or sickness or moving or loss of someone; that even in the bad times God blessed them with good doctors to care for them, healing, new friends, or comfort for losses.

As parents we want to shield our children from the trials of life, but God wants us to teach our children that He is our hope, our joy in all circumstances! So by sharing with your child a time when you were able to go through a difficult time because you knew God loved you and would always be with you, you will help your child to grow in trust and faith in our eternal God.

In Christ's love,
Carolyn Hillegeist
Early Childhood Coordinator

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